If you're an investor looking for steady cash flow in Georgia's biggest military town then look no further. This 1950's bungalow is situated just west of the base. And with ~$25k-$30k in improvements this home could sell for just south of $100k, or be a great addition to your rental portfolio. Contact Christian at (313) 598-7578 for details.
By the numbers...
ARV: $80k-$100k
Zillow Rent Zestimate Range: $801-$970
AirDna Projected Annual Revenue: $26.1k
208 Evergreen St, Warner Robins, GA 31093; 2 bd, 1 ba, 912 sq. ft; $102,000 (sold)
800 McArthur Blvd, Warner Robins, GA 31093; 2 bd, 1 ba, 804 sq. ft; $105,000 (sold)
217 Camellia Cir, Warner Robins, GA 31093; 2 bd, 1 ba, 768 sq. ft; $80,000 (active)
113 Madrid St, Warner Robins, GA 31093; 2 bd, 1 ba, 736 sq. ft; $75,000 (active)
703 Camellia Cir
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