Great flip or buy & hold opportunity in quiet family-friendly neighborhood!
- Single Family 3br2ba 1,760 sqft 1966yr built
- Brand new HVAC and ROOF
- Renovated comps as high as $525,000
- Property is vacant, private showings upon request
- Please message the dispo manager for details
- Property is on lockbox!!!
- 4920 Nassua Ct, Cape Coral, FL - 4 bed - 3 bath - 1,758 sqft - 1980 year build (Has a pool) Sold for $525,000 on 3/27/24
- 4906 Nassus Ct, Cape Coral, FL - 2 bed - 2 bath - 1,068 sqft - 1961 year build (700sqft smaller!) Sold for $300,000 on 4/12/24
Additional Disclosure:
- Property Is being Sold AS-IS
- Seller is a Licensed Agent & has Equitable interest in the property
- $5,000 NON- Refundable EMD Required, If Title is not clear, buyer will be refunded
- Photocopy & Proof of Funds Required, before Scheduling Walkthroughs
- Buyer WIll pay All closing Cost + Both Sides of Transfer Tax
- Real Estate Agents & Wholesalers Are Welcome, Please Add you Fee/ Commission on top of Asking Price
- Please contact our dispo Manager Nick Mason. (804) 385 8303
Street View
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