💲 Deal Terms:
- Mortgage Balance (Subject-to): $92,707.27
- Mortgage PITI: $679.82/month at a 3% interest rate
- Down Payment at Closing: $20,000
- Owe Seller: $10,000 in 5 years
🏡 Property Value: $150,000 (As-Is Value)
💰 Rental Income Potential: This property can be rented out for $1,750/month in the Marrero area.
Why This Deal is Fantastic:
- Built-In Equity: You’re purchasing the property with an as-is value of $150,000 while taking over a mortgage with a balance of only $92,707.27, giving you $57,000+ in instant equity!
- Low Money Down: Only $20,000 down to take over the mortgage with favorable terms and a 3% interest rate—an excellent rate in today's market!
- Cash Flow Opportunity: With a monthly PITI payment of just $679.82, and rental potential of $1,750/month, you’re looking at $1,070 in positive monthly cash flow before minor expenses.
- Minor Rehab Needed: The required repairs are minimal, mostly cosmetic, so you can start renting or enjoying your investment quickly.
Numbers Breakdown:
- As-Is Value: $150,000
- Mortgage Balance (Subject-to): $92,707.27
- Down Payment: $20,000
- Total Immediate Investment: $112,707.27
- Built-In Equity: $150,000 - $112,707.27 = $37,292.73
- Potential Monthly Cash Flow: $1,750 - $679.82 = $1,070
Whether you're looking for a solid buy-and-hold or a rental property, this low money down subject-to deal offers fantastic terms with built-in equity and strong rental income potential!