Kitchen was gutted and redone. Wood floors. 2 Car detached garage. Wood floors throughout except kitchen and bathroom (tiled). They extended the back porch to use it as an outside kitchen. Backyard fenced with a custom fence. It has porches along the front and back. Hardie concrete siding with cedar shakes around the window on the porch and on the peaks. Kitchen has granite and new cabinets. Tin roof added 3 years ago. Kitchen was customized to their taste and it's not like traditional kitchens. It has pocket doors and arches. Has a small room with closet she used as an office (it's small and has no personal entrance).
Comp 1: 6601 Mint St, Charlotte, NC 28214
- 2/2
- 768sqft
- Sold: 158K
- Updated
Comp 2: 6903 Mint St, Charlotte, NC 28214
- 2/1
- 952sqft
- Not updated
- Sold 120K
Comp 3: 1119 Summerville Rd Charlotte, NC 28214
- 2/1
- 1075sqft
- Not updated
- Sold 165K
- 1013 Valley Ridge Rd
- 3/2
- 1500/mnth
- 1050sqft
- 842 Lahill Rd
- 3/2
- 1075sqft
- 1600/mnth
Bedrooms | |
Bathrooms | |
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